
Mehdi and Anita have been married 35 years, raising and educating three sons together. As lovers, partners and parents, they've developed a philosophy about shame-free education that they are intent on sharing with the world! They've always followed their childrens' needs and interests, becoming brokers of information and resources. Often, the projects they've developed for their kids have ended up benefitting the community and society-at-large. Mehdi and Anita want to provide the resources and knowledge necessary for not only their own family but all of society to benefit from a good and healthy erotic life. They know how challenging that can be, as we navigate our families, cultures and religious environments. They have always believed that being alive erotically is an important part of a vital life and are now offering their expertise and welcoming approach to everyone who visits Sexpositive Shop!
Reach out to us if you have any questions or comments!